With the exponential growth in computing power, quantum computing is gaining more traction across different industry sectors. Complex problems that are hard to be solved by classical computers are ideally solved by quantum computers. Such an advancement creates a plethora of opportunities, across almost every aspect of modern life.

Most technology giants like Google, IBM have recently made headlines proclaiming the achievement of quantum supremacy, where their computers performed activities at very high speeds that cannot be achieved by a conventional computer. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are some of the emerging edge technologies that have impacted almost every aspect of our lives today. However, we often wonder what are the real-world applications of these things and what they are?

At our upcoming webinar on Edge Technologies – Quantum Computing & AIML, engage with the world class leaders who will share the relevance of the latest emerging edge technologies in real world, their scope in different industry verticals and the impact they will have on our lives over the next ten years.